Plasma Pen is the beauty world’s #1
Most Advanced
En-Vogue & Non-Invasive
Skin lifting, skin tightening & rejuvenation device and treatment used in a number of procedures to dramatically enhance looks without the need for costly and invasive surgery.
The Plasma device & sophisticated techniques – perfected across thousands upon thousands of treatments all over the world – help deliver a brighter, more contoured and more youthful appearance and results from pioneering soft surgery, sublimation treatment are virtually immediate & incredibly long-lasting (typically 3 years).
Plasma Pen ‘fibroblasing’ is a highly versatile and non-surgical procedure that’s stunningly effective in wrinkle smoothing, eyelid tightening and eyelid hood reduction (blepharoplasty) and it is able to treat, repair, lift & rejuvenate any area of the skin to spectacularly improve and brighten skin tone, laxity & texture, significantly tighten loose skin and dramatically reduce, plump lines & wrinkles.
Before & Afters | How We Get These Results

Before & Afters | Results | Face, Eye, Mouth

Before & Afters | Results | Neck

Before & Afters | Results | Body

How the Plasma Pen works
The Plasma Pen handpiece converts electrical energy into an electrostatic energy which is transmitted to the applicator tip (probe) by impulse and which discharge a flash of plasma
via 0.4mm probe within millionths of a second. This is achieved by ionizing nitrogen and
oxygen in the air to create a plasma gas. This plasma gas is controlled and sustained by this devices unique fingertip and on demand control.
With this plasma arc we contract the epidermis by creating external micro-traumas and we
encourage it to generate fresh, beautiful new skin cells at the surface which deliver incredible skin tightening, lift and rejuvenation. The plasma flash we create transfers to the skin with absolute precision and does not harm any surrounding tissue. This thermal disruption later causes excess skin to dry superficially into tiny crusts which fall off in the form of tiny flakes within days.
Simultaneously, the plasma flash penetrates to the fibroblasts contained within the dermis below and this stimulates accelerated division and migration of collagen cells. Fibroblasts rarely undergo division unless they are stimulated by a wound healing process or inflammatory response and we do just that with Plasma Pen (which is why we call it fibroblasting).
How device/treatment works
By targeting fibroblasts in the dermis, we kickstart collagen production, alignment and cross linking which reduces lines and wrinkles by inflating, plumping and lifting your skin from below and helping rebuild and strengthen the scaffolding within your dermis to give it back its elasticity and flexibility.
Increased level of type 3 collagen production occur for months after the micre-trauma we create and this synthesizes into tougher type 1 collagen. The activation of the inflammatory response by Plasma Pen actually helps prevent negative behaviors (such as stiffness and stress relaxation) caused by glycation. Collagen structures are better able to accommodate load/overload and we help repair deformation to the elasticity of collagen molecules. All these positive changes we make with Plasma Pen underpin tissue stability.
We also encourage neovascularization (the formation of new blood vessels) and the release of growth factors. These growth factors include cytokines which are small proteins important in cell signaling and which help modulate our immune response, cell aging and the growth of new cells. They are particularly important in directing our bodies response to the inflammation that we cause with Plasma Pen by stimulating cell repair and new cell production.
The inflammatory response which occurs during the healing process also activates ‘M2 Macrophages’. Macrophages are white blood cells that engulf and digest cellular debris and they decrease the inflammation we cause and encourage effective tissue regeneration and repair.
Plasma Pen also stimulates the migration of ‘basal keratinocytes’ up to the surface of the skin.
wounds to the skin is repaired, in part, by the migration of keratinocytes from the basal layer of the skin and they fill-in the gaps created by the micro-wounds we create.
Ultimately, Plasma Pen is the gift that keeps giving because we achieve immediate results and those results then improve significantly over the coming months. Effects last around 3years although many results are permanent.
Plasma Pen vs Cosmetic Surgery
▪ Plasma Pen is the only treatment outside of Plastic surgery which can be performed on the Eyelids.
▪ No injectable anesthetics required
▪ No scalpels, no cutting and no ablation of the skin
▪ No stitches and suturing required, no scars
▪ Very low risk procedure with minimal side effects and very short downtimes
▪ Quick and easy procedure with rapid recovery – most patients able to return to work same Day
▪ No thinning of the skin and more uniform than ablative resurfacing using lasers
▪ No asymmetries and no risks of any overcorrection
▪ Enormous cost savings compared to comparable alternatives
▪ Long-lasting results – usually around 3 years
Possible/Rare adverse reactions to Plasma treatments
▪ Hyperpigmentation: This is most likely due to the exposure of the area to UV radiation while the long-term healing process is taking place or the healing reaction of the client. This is never due to the type of device used or probably the way the treatment has been carried out. Everyone should use SPF 50 sun protection anyway but all Plasma Pen clients must use it for at least 12 to 20 weeks (from once the skin has healed several days after the initial treatment) as part of their aftercare program.
▪ Pink Atrophic spots (where the dots/spots were applied by our Plasma device) can last up to 6months after treatment although this is incredibly rare and rarer still from low to medium intensity treatments. It is not completely clear what causes this long-term adverse reaction but, so far, this has ultimately subsided on its own in the long-term. It could be due to the use of make-up, other inappropriate products and/or poor personal aftercare during short-term healing process.
▪ Clients may experience a longer healing process coupled with inflammation of the area. This adverse effect has been reportedly only after high-intensity treatments. The majority of treatments by our providers are of low or medium intensity.
▪ Long periods of high-intensity treatment on the upper eyelids can result in a mild feeling of discomfort on the area that has been treated. Bear in mind this is where the skin is at its thinnest.
Absolute contraindications:
▪ Roaccutane & Accutane, Steroid - 6months after the last dose, resume 6weeks after Plasma
▪ Anti-coagulants (Warfarin)
▪ Latex allergy
▪ Pregnancy, breast feeding, birthmarks, port wine stains, hemophilia, hyperpigmentation,
Lupus, hypertrophic scar, keloid, vitiligo
Relative contraindications:
▪ Asthma – easy bruise and more sensitive due to inhaler
▪ Contact lenses – remove before treatment. Can use after 72hours post-procedure
▪ Thyroid problem – slightly longer healing time
▪ Visual impairment
▪ Acne – do not treat directly over active acne
▪ Anemia – bleed easily and take longer time to heal
▪ Blepharoplasty- wait for 3 months
▪ Botox – wait 21 days after Botox, preferably perform Plasma Pen prior to Botox
▪ Cancer – wait 6 months after radiation or chemotherapy
▪ Cataracts – proceed with a doctor’s written consent
▪ Corneal abrasion
▪ Diabetes – bleed and bruise easily and prolonged bleeding and bruising.
Wait 3months between treatments.
▪ Epilepsy – Procedure may trigger a seizure. Proceed if no episode in 2 years.
▪ Eye laser surgery – wait 2-3months
▪ Herpes Simplex – take medication 5days before and 5days after treatment.
▪ High blood pressure – being anxious can cause blood pressure go up,
▪ Injectable fillers – wait 3weeks after filler
▪ Kidney & Liver disease – delayed healing
▪ MVP – may need prophylactic antibiotics
▪ Sexually transmitted diseases – it is the choice of the provider whether or not to proceed.
▪ Skin disorders – psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis
▪ Atrophic scar – treat around the area if scar is at least 6 months old
▪ Shingles – wait 6 months
▪ Styes, conjunctivitis or frequent eye infections -wait 6 weeks after infection is cured.
▪ Trichotilomania – Client may compel to pull out scabs. Pre-treatment discussion is needed.
▪ Medications – Antabuse : wait 6 months after last dose. Resume medication 4-6weeks after Treatment.
Blood thinners : prone to brusing and bleeding
Thyroxine : skin is more sensitive
Insulin : slower healing and increased risk of infection
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